Physics Formulas

by Edu Technologies



Physics FormulasThe app lists all the important Physics formulas. Its very useful for student to sav...

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Physics FormulasThe app lists all the important Physics formulas. Its very useful for student to save valuable time.This App contains following formulas :Doppler Effect FormulaForce FormulaWorkTotal Work DonePower with WorkPower with DisplacementPower with VelocityKinetic EnergyPotential EnergyCentripetal (Centrifugal) AccelerationConcave Mirror MagnificationCentripetal (Centrifugal) ForceCircular VelocityVelocityAverage VelocityDisplacement or DistanceKinetic FrictionStatic FrictionNewtons Law of GravitationKeplers Third LawAcceleration due to GravityEscape VelocityHookes LawElastic Potential EnergyNewtons Second Law of MotionImpulse with VelocityImpulse with TimeMomentum with VelocityMomentum with TimeMoment Force, Lever Arm LengthSimple PendulumPhysical PendulumTorqueDensityEinstein Mass EnergyStressStrainYoungs ModulusUps Power RequirementDoppler EffectWood DensityDifferential Pressure MeasurementSound Pressure LevelSound Intensity LevelSound Power EmittedSound WavelengthFree FallNoise Pollution LevelBattery Storage RatingCelsius to Fahrenheit ConversionFahrenheit to Celsius ConversionTrue PorositySouders Brown EquationConcave Mirror EquationConstant Q TransformHorsepower (HP)Moment of InertiaTransverse Strength of a MaterialStandard Surface FactorRectangular Tank CapacityTorsional PendulumApparent PorosityKinematic ViscositySpeed of SoundCylindrical Tank CapacityRadar RangeLensmakers EquationPodmore FactorLeaf Spring RateCritical FrequencyBrinell Hardness Number (BHN)Voltage Divider RuleElectrodialysis (ED)Amount of SubstanceAngular AccelerationBattery Charging TimeKva (Kilovolt-amps)Newtons Law of CoolingInfusion with Calibrated TubingRMS Noise VoltageMilling Speed, Feed RateMass Flow RateDrift VelocityGsm of PaperHelical Spring RateD ExponentGravitational Potential EnergyDamped Harmonic OscillationForced Harmonic OscillationQuantum Harmonic OscillatorAcoustic Suspension EnclosureSound Decibel DistanceOffset Frequency Speed ErrorRadar Doppler Frequency ShiftMotor Top Speed RPMPowerSpeedometer CalibrationVehicles Angle, Angular RateOne Dimensional Motion with Constant AccelerationKirchhoffs Voltage Law (KVL) / Loop RuleWiens Displacement LawHP (Horsepower) to Amps ConversionGrahams Law of EffusionSnells Law RefractionVehicle Speed ErrorRoot Mean Square Velocity CalculatorOne Dimensional Motion VelocityAcceleration Due to Gravity on Outside EarthBoltzmann Gas ConstantDe Broglie WavelengthAverage Translational Kinetic EnergyEnergy of PhotonNature of LightTidal ForceAngular Linear VelocityPlancks ConstantVector DisplacementAverage AccelerationKinematic Displacement By Velocity and TimeFocal Length of Optical ConvexMagnitude of VectorMoment of Inertia of a Point Mass for RodWork for Linear MotionSound Wave VelocityCalculate Time Duration from Earth to MoonCeramic Transverse StrengthInelastic CollisionElastic CollisionTangential and Radial AccelerationMaximum Height of ProjectileSolid Shaft Maximum TorqueSolid Shaft DiameterShear Stress in ShaftLowest Spring Resonant FrequencyHollow Shaft Maximum TorqueTotal EnergyWork Done by Frictional ForceTangential VelocityPeukerts LawStokes LawNewtons Third Law of MotionHorizontal and Vertical ComponentConvex Mirror EquationApparent TemperatureInverse Square LawHull SpeedVickers HardnessSoil Moisture / Water ContentMuzzle VelocityInverse Square LawLever Effort ForceAggregates VolumeAmpereOrbital RadiusPulse Repetition FrequencyThis is an app designed for Students for quick access to Physics Formulas. Physics formulas can be memorize. So here is a simple way to refer to them and sharpen your Physics skills.